After months – nay, years – of ignoring my calls and messages, Little Mix finally let me* join the band. Persistence is key, folks.
*did not let me
Truthfully, these lovely ladies were a dream to interview. We chatted about the stupidly infectious Black Magic, co-writing Britney’s Pretty Girls, wanting a Spice World-esque film, X Factor, weddings and played a craftily-named acting improv game of ‘Vick n Mix’, as well as the slightly-less-craftily-named ‘Guess The Chick Flick From The Tag Line’. Yep, that.
Perrie had a fairly sour face, which it turned out was down to having just had lingual braces fitted the day before. I KNOW THE PAIN WELL (see BRACE FACE blog: VICK HOPE – BRACE FACE oh yes, still got it) – excellent ice-breaker.
The interview goes out across ITV2 and Channel 5 over the coming weeks, as well as via ITN digital, plus Telegraph, Huffington Post, aol, Yahoo, Daily Mail etc. Enjoy.

What do you think?