Happy New Year,* ya filthy animals. I’m back from gallivanting around Cuba and back to gallivanting around assorted television studios. While away, the lovely lot at Three Six Five Club posted this feature from an interview I did with them last year.
TSFC is an awesome site to browse through, providing “interviews and features with unique, inspiring and brilliant women – the perfect two minute escape from your busy day without leaving your desk.” This said, feel free to have a gander even if you do fancy leaving your desk, it’s perfect for that too.
Read what happened when Three Six Five Club met TV presenter Vick Hope
What did you want to be when you grew up?
In this order, from age 11 onwards: Lawyer, Hairdresser, J-Lo**, Lawyer, Foreign Correspondent, War Correspondent, MI6 Agent, Fashion Writer, TV Presenter/News and Entertainment Reporter.
Have a browse, let me know what you think, and while you’re there check out all the ace women they’ve been profiling over the last couple of months. Right, now I’m off to get my head around the fact that we’re 26 bloomin days into 2016, and to lament the poor, confused daffodils***.
*I keep getting told it’s too late to be saying this, I disagree. It’s one of my favourite things to say. Please, just give me one more week and I won’t say it again for 11 months. That’s loads of time. Deal? Deal.
**Just to clarify, this is completely true. I did indeed spend at least 6 months of my life mainly just hoping I’d grow up to be J-Lo. If I’m honest, the ambition hasn’t fully died yet, and God knows there’s still time, she’s really very old. And I mean this in the nicest, most awe-struck way.
***Genuinely prime concern atm.

What do you think?