A blog about my show with the man formerly known as Jason Derulo*, and currently known as Jason Derulo**.
*sung one way
**sung a different way
I recently hung out with Mr JD for a show called The…er…Hangout, on 4Music, Kiss and The Box. He was unbelievably sweet, up for playing all manner of arguably ridiculous games, and seemingly didn’t mind that I accused him of being responsible for a string of ‘sax offenses’ (Talk Dirty…Trumpets…anyone?!).
Catch the show at the times and on the channels below, and in the meantime you can have a gander at us playing a little game called ‘Watcha Say?’. Geddit? GEDDIT?!***
We basically do a duet, and although his people haven’t been in touch just yet about a collaboration on the next album, it shouldn’t be too long til I hear from them. The Pulitzer people too.
***It’s the name of one of his songs, it’s OK, you totally don’t need to geddit.
20th June, 3pm
25th June, 1pm
28th June, 7pm
Kiss TV:
22nd June, 10am
23rd June, 5pm
25th June, 8pm
26th June, 3pm
The Box:
27th June, 11am
29th June, 4pm
1st July, 7pm
3rd July, 12pm

What do you think?