A blog about my brand new 4Music show
After AWOLling around on the blog front, I’m posting TWO IN A DAY, because I’m cray like that, and also because the other one was getting really long and I really couldn’t live with myself having put anyone through the ordeal of reading loads of stuff about all different things. This blog is just about one thing, and one thing I’m really excited about…
I’m popping up every day on 4Music, presenting the new look music and entertainment news bulletin, The Fix. The early show, The Breakfast Fix is made up of three separate bulletins (one with the top showbiz news stories, one specialist looking at film releases, new videos, fashion, or celeb relationships, and one focussing on the hottest event of the day) which broadcast three times an hour all morning. A longer bulletin then plays every hour throughout the rest of the day and the evening all over 4Music, Heat TV and The Box. I research and write the stories, head into the massive (frankly, way too big for just me on my own, chatting to myself, I look like a mad person) ITV News studio 2 over at ITN, record all the shows then produce and edit them myself before delivering them to the channel. All in a day’s work. It’s nice because it feels like it’s my baby.*
On a Thursday I also record a longer half-hour weekend show, The Fix: Your Weekly News Buzz. This is my pick of the top stories and best celeb interviews we’ve covered that week, put together by my brilliant producer Simon, linked in to music videos, and which broadcasts on Saturday and Sunday mornings. It’s probably on in your gym. You can have it on in your living room too, if you want.
Here are a selection of pictures of the faces I unwittingly do when I talk, it appears (taken, in the most hi-tech manner, by TAKING AN ACTUAL PHOTO OF THE SCREEN I AM WATCHING):
*A sentence I uttered the other day and which was met by bemused, slightly disgusted faces. Come on, people!
P.S. And to prove it:

What do you think?