Despite nearly taking out the entire studio while posing on rollerskates (sorry guys!), this was such a fun spring/summer shoot and interview with the Superdrug team behind my ‘The Beauty Of It All’ podcast. Photos by Caz Dyer, with massive shouts to Michelle Sultan, Abbie May and Zoe Kozlik for such a vibrant creative on this shoot, and thank you to Natalie Ticehurst, Amber Ascroft and Jo Hoare for a lovely interview and place on the cover!
Covering the latest issue of DARE Magazine, this was the most fun (if a little treacherous) summer shoot and loveliest interview. Thank you @superdrug! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Pick up a copy if you fancy, its OUT NOW!
— Vick Hope (@VickNHope) June 5, 2019

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